3 tips to achieving the perfect routine.

4 min readApr 11, 2021

I’ve set myself to a routine for the last three months which have already transformed my life, as I followed my routine the struggles I had dealt with started to vanish without me noticing it. I had always had a somewhat bad addiction to my phone. Some days my screen time could be over 15 hours. Makes me sick thinking back on the amount of time I wasted. There’s no problem with technology but only if you are using it positively. I wasn’t educating myself or anything I spent my hours swiping through social media. And did any of it help my life, no it probably did the opposite?

When I started to follow my routine, I was so busy with other things I didn’t have time for social media. These days I can’t be bothered with it. I have gotten into great shape. I spend more time with family and friends. I have started reading and I have started planning the future something that seemed impossible to me a few months before. If you would like to try to change your life too like me. Grab a pen and paper right now. Not on your device a real piece of paper.

#Tip one

First of all, write down your average week.

Are you in school/ college from Monday to Friday?

Are you working during the week?

What days do you have off?

Scribble down a rough

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |

And write down what you are doing

Off | work | work | work | off | off |

Your routine won’t be the same every day due to for example days working and days off. But your morning and night routine can be! That’s up to you to decide. Once you have decided will every day be the same routine or not move onto the next step.

#Tip two

Write down a list of everything that you would love to get done daily financially, physically, educational, connecting with family, friends, or a partner. Massive braindump! Everything that comes to mind! Things you would love to do but have no time for.

Now, you’re going to write a second list and write the things you do right now daily.

There should be a difference in length between the two. Now don’t feel disappointed in yourself comparing the two lists as that’s why you are here!

#Tip three

Ask yourself are you more a morning or night person. Are you able to wake up earlier or sleep later?

I decided I would prefer to wake earlier and start my day productive. But it’s all up to your preference. Once you have decided. Pick a time which you will rise and sleep! For example, write at 9 am — 4 am at school if you are a student. Same with your shift at work, or college lectures. You can either do a daily routine if your days vary or a weekly routine if they are the same. Now look back on your previous two lists and fill into your routine the things u usually do and add an extra two from the new list. As the week’s progress, you can add another from your first list of things you want to do. If you find yourself not having enough time then “ Sleep a little bit faster “ as Arnold Schwarzenegger says. Remember to start small then build onto it. You can’t completely change your life in a day.

#My morning routine

5:50–6:00 wakeup

6:00–6:20 yoga

6:20–6:40 writing goals for the day

what I need to get done

6:40–7:00 education, research, reading

7:00–7:50 working on projects, hobbies, emails

7:50–8:40 getting ready for school / breakfast / shower /

But it is not my perfect routine yet as I want to fit in time for a 20m run and more work time. I’m thinking of joining the 5 am club which many successful people rave about The Rock (Dwayne Johnson ) for example. But I cannot start this new routine tomorrow. I have to slowly get to it. Waking a little earlier every day to bring me to 5 am. It may take me a few weeks or only one. You need to listen to your body.




18 and starting the new chapter to my life post-pandemic. I want to support and spread information about the direction we are going.